yellow pages, national, nation wide, regional, regional advertising, media placement, media, agency, agency, specialists, book, dedicated, industry, implement changes, implement, implementation, directory, directory advertising, marketing, marketing services, ad campaign, ads, account activity, accounts, direct response, customer service, client, clients, account services, yellow pages needs, yellow pages,
Do you know your Yellow Pages account services representative on a
first-name basis?
At the heart of our agency is the client services group. This team of dedicated specialists is here to answer all of your questions, explain industry trends, implement changes to your ad campaign and provide historic information of previous account activity. We pride ourselves on the responsiveness and quality of customer service we offer to every client regardless of account size. For added convenience, each client is assigned one primary account services representative for all of your Yellow Pages needs.

Helpful insight on new products & services
for both print and online Yellow Pages

Unbiased advice on directory selection,
headings and ad sizes

Updated information on publisher pricing
incentives and free offers

Web-enabled access for approving
artwork, ad placement and reviewing
marketing analyses

Convenient and easy-to-follow account
management reports

© 2002 Designed and created by O'Halloran Advertising, Inc. All rights reserved. privacy statement

copyright & terms of use

Display ads are placed by
ad size, the largest being
first in a heading. Within
each ad size the placement
is determined by seniority.
The longer you have been
in a directory under the
same heading and with the
same ad size, the more
seniority you have.